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Created on Dec 4, ’22 ・ Last update on May 14, ’23

URL parts

  • Scheme: https://
  • Credentials: user:pwd@
  • Domain:
  • Port: 443
  • Path: /index.html
  • Query: ?param=value
  • Fragment: #fragment


  • var: scope is global if declared outside of a function.
  • let: scope is always local.
  • const: scope is always local, but used to declare constants.
  • Number, Boolean, String, Undefined, Null, BigInt, Symbol: 7 primitive types which are immutable.
  • Object: a special mutable type.
for (let prop in obj) // iterates over enumerable properties of an object
for (let prop of arr) // iterates over all elements of array or iterable


  • Prototype chaining: if we modify a method of a prototype (e.g. Array.prototype.toString), the modification will be reflected through all existing objects.
  • In a method (function stored in an object's property), this is bound to the object, but not when using the arrow syntax. In a function not bound to a property, this correspond to the global object.


  • Javascript is class-free but we can create a function, define methods in its prototype and then use the new keyword when invoking the function to create a new object that will inherit the function's prototype.
  • The class syntax has been added recently but just uses the existing prototype-based inheritance. Private properties can be declared by prefixing them with a #. We can also define getters and setters with the get and set keywords. The static keyword can also be used.


// fruit.js
class Fruit {}
export Fruit;

// apple.js
import Fruit from 'fruit.js'
class Apple extends Fruit {}


const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
ctx.lineTo(20, 20)
ctx.lineTo(50, 50)

Functional programming

arr.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, index, array) => {
    // perform operations
}, initialValue)

arr.flatMap((currentValue, index, array) => {
    // ...
}, thisArg)


An iterator is an object with a next method (which return the next value) and a done property.

var myIterable = {
    *[Symbol.iterator]() {
        yield 1;
        yield 2;
        yield 3;

for (let value of myIterable) {
  • Use yield to return a value, yield* to return a generator or iterable object.
  • function* is used to defined a generator or iterable.


var re = /ab+c/g;
re.test("ac"); // false
re.exec("abbc"); // ["abbc"]
"abc abbc".matchAll(re); // [["abc"], ["abbc"]]

In addition to matchAll, a string comes with the match, replace, search and split methods.


const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000

// Serve static files

// Define a Middleware
app.use('/form/', (req, res, next) => {

// Handle get requests
app.get('/form/', (req, res) => {
    res.send('Hello World!');

// Handle post requests'/form/', (req, res) => {
    res.send('Post saved!')

app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`))

Event Loop

The Javascript runtime uses a message queue which is a list of messages to be processed by the event loop. Each message has an associated function (the callback).


A Promise is used for asynchronous operations. When created its state is pending. If the associated operation succeeds, the state will change to resolved, or rejected if the operation fails. If the Promise is either resolved or rejected, then it is said to be settled.

A Promise's operation is executed only once.

let iPromiseIWillGiveYouMoney = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // I promise I'll give you money… but we can never be sure…
    if (Math.random() >= 0.5) {
        // `resolve' is the function that will be passed to the
        // `then' function.
        resolve(Math.random() * 1000)
    else {
        // `reject' is the function that will be passed to the
        // `catch' function.
        reject("No money for a script kiddie like you.")

    .then(money => {
        console.log(`I have received $${money}`)
    .catch(reason => {
        console.log(`No money received: ${reason}`)


Promise.all // until all are resolved
Promise.allSettled // until all are settled
Promise.race // until the first is settled
Promise.resolve // return a resolved promise
Promise.reject // return a rejected promise

async & await

The await operator is used to wait for a Promise. It can only be used inside an async function. async means that the function returns a Promise.

Fetch API

const promise = fetch("", {
    method: 'post',
    headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
    body: JSON.stringify({'value': 'Hello, World!' })


Version 1.1 introduced:

  • persistent connections (reuse of underlying TCP connection for multiple HTTP requests),
  • pipelined connections (multiple requests can be sent without having to wait for the response),
  • chunked transfers (data streams can be divided into a series of chunks that can be received independently of each other),
  • protocol upgrades (the client can ask the server another application protocol).


  • Polling: using setInterval() on the client side, we poll the server for new messages every 10 seconds.
  • Long polling: using EventEmitter on the server side, we emit an event each time we receive a message from the client. We listen for such event when the client ask for new messages, which will cause the function to return only when a event is emitted.
  • Server-side events: using EventSource on the client side, we can open a persistent connection to the server. The server will then send messages using the text/event-stream content-type. Messages can only be sent from the server to the client, unlike web sockets.
  • Web socket: the client opens a web socket connection with the server. Messages can be sent and received from both sides.


Cookies are data initially sent from the server to the client (using the Set-Cookie header). The client will then send the cookies back to the server at every requests (using the Cookie header). Purposes: session management, personalization, tracking.

  • A cookie can be set to expire at a given time using the Expires directive. It is said to be permanent.
  • Otherwise it's called a session cookie. It will be deleted when the client shuts down (but most web browser will do session restoring).
  • It can be made inaccessible to Javascript using the HttpOnly directive.
  • It can require the use of HTTPS with the use of the Secure directive.
Set-Cookie: id=a3fWa; Expires=Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly


When on website A, any request made to website B (through an img tag, form, etc.) will be made by the browser using the cookies currently existing for website B. If these cookies are authentication cookies, it means that website A can make a request to website B on the behalf the user.

Authentication mechanisms

  • Cookies and sessions
  • Authorization header
    • HTTP Basic
    • HMAC token
    • Bearer token
    • JWT token
  • X-API-Key header
  • OAuth2
  • WebAuthN

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

  • Can be used for authentication and authorization.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

  • CORS is a security policy that is enforced by the browser.
  • An origin is defined by the domain name, the protocol and the port number of the URL.
  • A cross-origin request is made when a resource from a different origin than the original one is requested. For example, when Javascript code downloaded by the client from origin A wants to make a fetch request to origin B.
  • Not all cross-origin requests are controlled by the browser. Examples of a few that are:
    • fetch and XMLHTTPRequest,
    • Web Fonts,
    • WebGL textures
    • drawImage of the Canvas API,
    • CSS Shapes from images.
  • HTTP Headers are use both by the browser (Origin) making the cross-origin requests and by the server (Access-Control-Allow-Origin) responding to that request.
  • Some types of cross-origin requests requires the browser to make a preflight request (HTTP OPTIONS) to the server, to check if it is aware of the methods and headers used by the client. The browser will use additional HTTP headers (e.g. Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers) and so will the server (e.g. Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers).
  • When making a cross-origin request to a domain, a flag can be set to include any existing cookies for that domain. This requires the server response to include both of these headers: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials and Access-Control-Allow-Origin. For the response to be accepted by the browser, the first one must be set to true and the second one must specify the domain name (i.e. not use *). This only concerns fetch and XMLHTTPRequest API.


  • Vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject code into a website that will be executed by the client.
  • Content-Security-Policy, either as an HTTP header or in a meta element, can be used to whitelist the provenance of content that can loaded through a web page (e.g. sources, images, styles). It tells the browser what it can or cannot load.
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; img-src
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' *; img-src *


  • Bound to a hostname.
  • Contain a public key.
  • Contain a proof that the owner has the private key.
  • Validity period.
  • Certificate authority.

Let's Encrypt

  • Non-profit certificate authority.
  • Provides X.509 certificates for TLS for free.
  • Run by the Internet Security Research Group.

Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)

  • Communication protocol for automating interactions between CAs and their user's webservers.
  • Allows for automated certificate renewals, etc.


Defines a set of constraints:

  • Client-server
  • Uniform interface
  • Stateless
  • Cache
  • Layered System
  • Code-on-demand (optional)

Fits well with HTTP but can work with different protocols.

Uniform Interface

Architectural constraints are:

  • Identification of resources (URI)
  • Manipulation of resources (HTTP methods)
  • Self-descriptive messages (Content-type header)
  • Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS)

Stateless constraint

REST is stateless. Any state information is contained within the client's request. This allows for:

  • better visibility: only the request's data needs to be considered,
  • better reliability: ease of recovering from partial failures,
  • better scalability: servers don't have to manage user's resources.

Cache constraint

Better efficiency, eases scalability, improves user-perceived performance. However, can expose users to stale data (impacting the system's consistency). A CDN relies on this constraint.

Layered System constraint

An example is GraphQL which is an (opinionated) way of building an API and of layering multiple data sources and services (MongoDB, Postgres, 3rd-party API, legacy API, etc.)

Adds overhead latency due to the processing of data.

Declarative Programming

Paradigm that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow (e.g. SQL where the control flow is decided by the query optimizer).

Vue.js, unlike jQuery, promotes a declarative style. The template engine will update the DOM when necessary.

<div id="content">{{ message }}</div>

new Vue({
  el: '#content',
  data: {
    message: 'Hello Vue!'

UI Frameworks and Progressive Web Apps

  • reduction of UI code with declarative rendering
  • modular applications with components


  • Connects the view and the model via two-way bindings.
  • DOM and State manipulations are abstracted by the framework.
  • Reusable components (see also Web Components Specification)

Proxy example

<div id="message">message</div>
    // Original object
    var data = { message: "Hello, World!" };

    // Hypothetical proxy created by the framework
    var proxy = new Proxy(data, {
        get: function(obj, prop, value) {
            return obj[prop];
        set: function(obj, prop) {
            // here
            document.getElementById(prop).innerHTML = value;
            obj[prop] = value;

    // Logic of the application
    proxy.message = "Hello, Binding!";

Progressive Web Applications

  • Native application-like UX
  • Works offline
  • Push notifications
  • Device hardware access
  • Includes a Web App Manifest
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">

    "name": "Simple PWA",
    "short_name": "Simple PWA",
    "icons": [
            "src": "icons/icon-32.png",
            "sizes": "32x32",
            "type": "image/png"
    "start_url": "/index.html",
    "display": "fullscreen",
    "theme_color": "#B12A34",
    "background_color": "#B12A34"
  • New alternatives: ReactNative, Flutter.